
The Art of Rocío Belén Ferreiro


Rocío Belén Ferreiro is an Argentinian artist whose work is based on Rapunzel’s wall paintings illustrated by Claire Keane. You can view more of Rocío’s work on her Tumblr.


Rocío Belén Ferreiro es una artista argentina cuya obra se basa en las pinturas murales de Rapunzel ilustradas por Claire Keane. Puedes ver más del trabajo de Rocío en su Tumblr.

4 thoughts on “The Art of Rocío Belén Ferreiro

  1. AHHHH!!! I can’t believe this!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting my art here!!! I really don’t know what to say :;) It’s an honor that my art appears in this wonderful blog!!!
    I have no words!!! 🙂

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